
Alejandro Melero


Creative audoivisual director

About Alejandro Melero

Born in Sevilla (Spain), and coming from drawing comics, Alejandro discover and get fascinated with the best way to tell stories, writing scripts and making videos. Study Cine direction in Madrid, starting with shortfilms and working for Tv programs as a realizator, change his work plans making publicity (advertisings), videoclips, short documentaries, and lately also start to make Fashion Films in 2011 with “Strange fruit”, nominated in South Africa Festival in 2014. Actually continue devoloping his challengues with “Oceano” 2012 Menzione de honore in Chicago Fashion film and actually selected also in Miami Fashion Film festival. “Lost memory” fashion sci-fi genre in 2013 also selected in Miami Festival. And coming soon the new fashion proyects in 2014,“Love&style” and “Handel”, completed the challenged to mix his experience with cinema narrative with fashion brands works. To see all videos reference: Reel 2014 https://vimeo.com/84296383 More info: https://vimeo.com/alemelero