
Brian Uy


Aspiring Entrepreneur and Businessman, currently working on his 4th business; a startup company that provides marketing and advertising serv


About Brian Uy

Currently working on his 4th business, a startup company that provides marketing and advertising services combining tech and productivity solutions. He was the general manager of Sul Cha Enterprises. He manages the whole business from top to bottom such as business planning, analysis and implementation, sales, marketing, customer relationship management, human resources, purchasing, promotions, etc. He founded the first team to organize the first furry convention in the Philippines which gave him experiences in leadership, management, human resources, basic accounting and financing, and basic business management experiences. Graduated Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering with Gold Medal Outstanding Thesis Award at the De La Salle University - Manila. Besides businesses, he is enthusiastic with computer engineering with experience both in hardware and software development and engineering. On his free time, he expand his knowledge and skills especially in software development, robotics and computer related fields. A pianist and dancer, he goes to anime conventions with his costume to entertain and make people smile. Most importantly, he like to help make this world a better place with God as our main guidance.