


Play-based language learning platform for kids 3 to 7 years old.


About myABCKit

myABCKit is a platform for kids from 3 to 7 years old to personalize literacy and language learning at school. It’s based on simple games, so students can learn what they like most in an engaging and fun way. Kids start with basic literacy and move on to other areas of knowledge: reading comprehension, vocabulary and grammar. The fun component boosts their learning. Teachers can personalize the content in the platform, so kids can learn language through the subjects they like best. Creating packs is the easiest way to personalize kids’ education and let their passions thrive. The content can be set up in any language: mother tongue or secondary language. Students learn from the exercises, and we learn from their performance. With the learning analytics engine, we’ll track each kid’s performance, looking out for ways to improve their experience. We are better than other solutions because we are allowing kids to play with literacy games customized according to their interests and needs. Technically, the product is divided into: 1. The exercise mechanic: the exercises are built to be fully and easily customizable. Each school has its needs, and we are ready to solve them. 2. Universal content: Teachers can customize the exercises with any content. The content is organized into packs. Each pack contains: images, words and sentences, and voices. 3. The algorithm: as we learn how kids learn, we’ll gather data to develop an algorithm to create a unique learning experience for each kid. Because of the structure and mechanics of our exercises, when teachers put content into the platform, they’re able to create a fully tailored game-app for their students.

Data myABCKit

Created Spain, April/2015
Wokers 3
Status Startup

Equipo myABCKit 1

Inversores myABCKit 0

Acceleradoras myABCKit 0