


Khan Academy for Standardized Test Prep


Sobre CrunchPrep

Imagine the best tutor who can help you study only what you need. Now, imagine this tutor is available wherever you are and whenever you want. And finally, imagine that you don’t have to spend a fortune to get access to this tutor. That’s the idea behind CrunchPrep. CrunchPrep is a khan-academy style online adaptive learning platform that helps students prepare for the GRE. We use an adaptive algorithm to accurately predict student's skill proficiency and tailor the course to focus on their weaknesses. Our vision is to make test prep more accessible, personalized and affordable. Our MVP includes lessons, customized practice questions, GRE style full length tests and flashcards. Beta traction includes 4526 email signups in 2 months, 105,102 monthly page views. We now have over 200 lessons and 500 math questions and plan to add more to the product.

Datos CrunchPrep

Fundacion India, January/2015
Trabajadores 3
Estado Startup

Equipo CrunchPrep 1

Inversores CrunchPrep 0

Acceleradoras CrunchPrep 0