
Cuckuu Ltd.


Cuckuu is a free mobile app that allows you to share alarm clocks and reminders with your friends.Available for iOS and Android.

Sobre Cuckuu Ltd.

Cuckuu is free mobile app and it is available for iOS and Android since April. Cuckuu was born to add fun and inspiration into people's routines. “We live in a constant rush and sometimes we forget the most important things, what really moves us, which is the people we care about”, says Cuckuu's CEO João Jesus. “That's what led us to build a platform where people can share alarms and motivate each other throughout the day.” Besides sharing alarms, users can add photos or videos that only show on other participants' screens when the alarm goes off. A feature thought to feed the curiosity and excitement around the scheduled event. This innovative approach distances Cuckuu from other social platforms, where the content is visible as soon as it's posted. The privacy of each alarm is in the hands of its creator. Users can share them with the entire network, with a smaller group of friends or keep the reminders just for themselves. And to get people to move more, there's nothing better than gamification. Cuckuu is not only a social network, but also a game of time. The faster a user shuts off an alarm, the more points he gets. His evolution can be followed on different rankings, including a snoozers ranking.

Datos Cuckuu Ltd.

Estado Startup

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