
ABAC Therapeutics


Therapeutic solutions for patients that are infected with highly antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens

About ABAC Therapeutics

ABAC Therapeutics is committed to finding therapeutic solutions for patients that are infected with highly antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens and that leave affected patients with few (or no) treatment options. Heads of national healthcare services, professional infectious diseases organizations and infectious diseases experts are warning that we are facing a return to a pre-antibiotic era. Infections with such “superbugs” are increasing in both severity and frequency, and new drugs are needed to treat them now. ABAC Therapeutics is focused on delivering new pathogen-specific antibacteriema for the treatment of multi-drug resistant bugs.

Data ABAC Therapeutics

Created February/2014
Status Growth

Equipo ABAC Therapeutics 0

Inversores ABAC Therapeutics 1

Acceleradoras ABAC Therapeutics 0