
Biome Makers Inc.


Biotech startup specialized in microbiome understanding to provide comprehensive Terroir analysis for agricultural and industrial processes.

About Biome Makers Inc.

BIOME MAKERS Inc. is a biotech startup specialized in microbiome understanding to provide comprehensive analysis of TERROIR for agricultural and industrial processes. The proprietary technology called WINESEQ® (US patent application No. 62263488) is a data intelligence platform integrating information from all the elements relevant for winemaking as soil, weather or chemical composition. Our technology has been developed initially for the wine industry, because wine is the most valuable product coming from the soil but it can be easily applied to other business where microbial activity is relevant as agriculture, dairy, paper, waste treatment, biofuels, etc. Biome Makers is a San Francisco based company with laboratory facilities and operations in US and Spain.

Data Biome Makers Inc.

Created United States · Spain, May/2015
Wokers 5
Status Startup

Inversores Biome Makers Inc. 1

Acceleradoras Biome Makers Inc. 1