


Humans first. Technologies later


Sobre sFBI

sFBI launches businesses around human-centered innovation. Human-centered innovation We work with brands, entrepreneurs, and startups to create a new human-centric design model in business. At sFBI, it’s never about B2C, only B2H: business to humans. Our desires, our fears, and our challenges. We’ve taken all the steps to jumpstarting the right kind of innovation and we’ve packaged them into a repeatable process that is uniquely sFBI’s. Stand-out team The founders and CEOs that fill sFBI’s ranks have specialties ranging from artificial intelligence to augmented reality, from web development to interactive media, from human behavior to natural language processing. We are using our joint expertise in founding, growing, and operating businesses to prototype innovation. Our promise is experience, vision, and execution.

Datos sFBI


Estrategia de la acceleradora

Estretegía de inversión no pública.

Equipo sFBI 0

Portfolio sFBI 0

Noticias sFBI 0