
Pierre Edouard Stérin


Fundador de Smartbox


Sobre Pierre Edouard Stérin

Pierre-Edouard launched the gift box concept in France in 2003. In 12 years, Smartbox has become a worldwide leader achieving sales of €400M+ in 2014 with 20 000 points of sale in 20 countries. Smartbox has served over 20 million customers since its creation and employs over 800 people. Prior to this, he founded and managed BlackOrange, a software and video game provider, which posted revenues of 3M€ in its first year. After selling this business in 2001, Pierre-Edouard analyzed new start-up projects in different sectors before engaging in the Smartbox adventure. In 1998, Pierre-Edouard began his career in financial markets at Société Générale and Exane. He left Exane to launch his first company. Pierre-Edouard graduated from EM Lyon and La Sorbonne University.

Datos Pierre Edouard Stérin


Estrategia inversión Pierre Edouard Stérin

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Noticias Pierre Edouard Stérin 0