
Carlos Artal de Lara


Founder & CEO @tatchiapp What do you want to find today? Proximity is the next challenge, and we are making the rules. Wanna join us?



Sobre Carlos Artal de Lara

+25 years experience in management positions in the technology world. MBA/MBI Rotterdam School of Management NCR, eBay, Icon Medialab, Santander alumni A doer with a dream of changing the advertising model and building a great company in the process. Lucky to have the best family and the best team EVER! Surrounded by the best investor team and a fantastic advisory board. The future is here! Trying-to-be runner (stuck at 6km) and (old) motorcycle and (old)car fanatic. Mechanics is my hobby, and every time I sit in the garage, tatchi gets 3 or 4 new ideas.