
Daniel Weibel


Java software engineer who is passionate about building things, from small command-line tools to large distributed systems.


Sobre Daniel Weibel

I'm passionate about building things, from small command-line tools to large distributed systems in the cloud. I always try to find the right tool for the job to make the development process as efficient and effective as possible. My ultimate goal are elegant and robust solutions, that means, I usually revisit existing code many times in order rearchitect and improve it. My main motivation for building things is to create something that makes people's lives easier. Therefore, I'm particularly attracted to projects that "hit the nail on the head" by solving a real-world problem and thus freeing people from doing these tasks manually. In the past I worked a lot with Java, Android, and R, PaaS services like Amazon AWS and Heroku, web application frameworks like Ruby on Rails and Jekyll. I'm a heavy UNIX user and write Bash scripts on a nearly daily basis. Currently, I'm particularly interested in applying machine learning and natural language processing in the financial and insurance sector, and I observe the latest developments of quantum computing.