
Paco Gimena


Co-founder Mola.com - Incubator and accelerator of Internet Businesses

About Paco Gimena

Más información en http://www.mola.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Co-founder of Mola.com, Medical Doctor (Phisician), IESE MBA as professional drive, Hotel Chain Managing Director in the past and "internetero" as actual life project. Through Mola.com I am currently involved in supporting, financing and accelerating the following companies: Bankimia.com - Playspace.com - PortBooker.com - Misdocs.com - WorkMeter.com - Divescover.com - Geniuzz.com - Mutantgames.com - TriaVip.com - TurboMonitor.com - MediVip.com - Beebrite.com - Emtrics.com - Neventum.com - Aprendum.com - Bodeboca.com - Buyfresco.com - Habitissimo.com - Etece.com - Kantox.com - Neventum.com - Notorius.com - Blackpier.com - Cognicor.com - Minderest.com - Woowup.com Mola is an investment fund specializing in seeding technology startup companies. It is an initiative co-founded by me after several years of actively investing in Internet. Mola has a net worth of €6 million and has participated in more than 65 companies (15 majority and 50 minority), in which it has invested a total of €20million, in collaboration with other investors. The portfolio is currently 30 companies aproximately. We "feel and believe" in another and different way for funds and investment groups. We are actively involved in the management of a project and putting together specific monitoring plans that will ensure success. We use and seek synergies between different projects. We seek stable "partners or travel companions" who help, support and commit to the entrepreneur. We create and accelerate pioneering companies with high growth potential through incubation and acceleration formulas. We incubate ideas and turn them into profitable businesses using all kinds of resources: work space, technology development, design and marketing, human resources, financial and legal advice, accounting and business development support, and sales. We also accelerate operational projects through funding, contacts and advice from the best available mentors with experience and proven success. We mainly focus on existing opportunities in Spain and Latin America, since they are high-growth markets, compared to developed markets on the Internet. Nonetheless, we also invest and develop innovative technological ideas in the U.S. and Europe. For more info, visit: http://www.mola.com/