


Vincent Chin’s love for storytelling started with his father’s old comic collection, featuring The Incredible Hulk and other Marvel classics


Sobre vincentchin

The Incredible Hulk and other Marvel classics were part of his father's old comic collection, which sparked Vincent Chin's passion for storytelling. Since then, Vincent has pursued a variety of endeavors, including working security at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and pursuing his goal of becoming a police officer. Instead, he learned how to be a handyman via internet tutorials in order to help the people of the city. His love of Western dramas, medieval settings, and traditional hero adventures are all reflected in his writing, which continues to be his genuine passion. For Vincent, telling stories is an art form and a way to escape. He is eager to see his first published work come to life and hopes that readers looking for mystery, adventure, and a trip to other realms will find it compelling.