Sobre Aldea Sophia
When people speak about sustainable homes they tend to refer to the use of alternative energy, solar photovoltaic for electricity, solar thermal for hot water heating and pool heating, geothermal water wells and occasionally wind energy. But in my view that is only part of the solution. A true sustainable home is built sustainable from its conception, from design, and without a product that can allow you to design freely, you cannot get what it's really needed.
The current practice of modern construction and architecture is demanding new design forms and products with solutions that will help materialize the imagination and creativity of architects, designers and engineers, which today are constrained by the current available technologies. These new capabilities will translate in more energy efficient design forms with better overall structural performance.
Grounded in ideas of healthy living and Biophilia – our innate human need for connection with the natural world is also a response to world climate change and the ecological catastrophe happening.
We are founded in the idea that the smarter we are about how we build and design our homes the better our lives will be. So we strive to continuously find and invest in innovative sustainable designs, knowing whats behind your walls, inside your floor and beneath your foundations, these information can give you valuable details about the health of your home and that translates into a better life.
Aldea Sophia knows the necessity to revolutionise and modernise the construction market, in particular the wood structural, we are setting a mark and legacy for future generations to use and benefit.
The professionals who founded Aldea Sophia, come from many different backgrounds and disciplines, like Engineering, Design, Construction and high-end technologies, in an international multidisciplinary environment.
What are we going to do
Create a certified Patented structural material in the form of laminated reinforced beam using Bamboo as the main core material, this will allow us exploit the best qualities of bamboo, such as:
Sustainable natural abundant material.
Better Structural Integrity compared to wood.
Higher production and lower material costs.
Reduced maturity time to harvest for structural integrity.
Reduced transformation cost and time to assemble material.
Be able to manufacture and develop novel offerings of an alternative product with the right qualities for these emerging new needs.
Generate a new market that will compete directly with other construction systems, like wood, steel and concrete.
Successfully marketing, showing all the benefits in construction expos and magazines around the world.
More Durable.
Less Maintenance.
Amazing Texture and Appearance.
Structurally engineered beams such as Aldea Sophia´s are as durable and low maintenance as steel and masonry products. However offers true sustainability, Green design is no longer an alternative design. It is rapidly becoming mainstream for architects and other design professionals to specify a quality, sustainable, clean, friendly and natural product.
What are we creating
A New and attractive futuristic architectural building design system.
Substantially reducing carbon footprint compared to a traditional wood structure and an exponential reduction compared with concrete and steel.
A radical designing change in the creation of a building structures with more choices, longer sections with closer radius curves.
Radical and Revolutionary change of current construction methods.
Better Structural products that can be able to absorb a cyclical earthquake and Tornado like wind loads, with High absorption of vibratory loads.
Better behaviour in fire and Heat.
Tested, Certified and guaranteed product.
Making Construction Business more profitable.
Breaking the dependence of only wood in the construction Business.
Datos Aldea Sophia
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