


We help independent producers to spread their shows through a web platform that allows them to run contests and sell tickets.

Sobre alpogo.com

Digital tickets for live shows. If you are an independent music producer you rely on social media to boost your events. But when it comes to ticket selling you are on your own. Traditional services are expensive and they don't focus on independent artist and neither they try to reach the young and curious millenials that are trying to find out new artist all the time. So they need a fresh approach on this matter. Alpogo.com is mainly based on underground culture. We provide a diferential marketplace for emerging bands. The indie segment is on strong growing as the trends looks to stay distant from the mainstream media. We solve the selling process as a whole: from spreading and advertising the show to early birds tickets to the access (e-ticket platform). We ensure this circle within all digital support and mobile technology. We focus in the UX more than anything. Buying process, social interaction, the chance to win freebies are some of our diferential characteristics that makes alpogo.com a great experience for users and event managers, who are able to get insights of their audience in real time and reports once the event has ended.

Datos alpogo.com

Fundacion Argentina, April/2016
Estado Startup
Total inversión 1.520.000€
Rondas inversión
  • Early/Startup

Inversores alpogo.com 1

Acceleradoras alpogo.com 0