
Bclose - Making Your Life Easier


Bclose is a digital platform that integrates simple and intuitive devices for safety, health, wellness and energy management


Sobre Bclose - Making Your Life Easier

Bclose is a digital platform that integrates simple and intuitive devices for safety, health, wellness and energy management onto a single platform. Bclose is an easy to use digital platform that aggregates security, wellness and energy management devices onto a single user interface. Improve your quality of life with the solutions that we offer. Learn about our solutions Bsafe, Benergy and Bhealth.

Datos Bclose - Making Your Life Easier

Fundacion Portugal, January/2013
Estado Startup

Equipo Bclose - Making Your Life Easier 1

Inversores Bclose - Making Your Life Easier 0

Acceleradoras Bclose - Making Your Life Easier 0

Noticias Bclose - Making Your Life Easier 0