Sobre Hootik
According to the “Spanish Sport Counselor”, 16 million of Spanish people over 14 practices sport on a regular basis, which represents around a 43% of population between 15 and 65 years old. Market niches related to sport activities reached an annual income of 1,3 million Euro. Despite financial crisis these figures still increase steadily.
1. Problem:
Observing the market, the majority of sport professional’s lack of enough tools and resources to build up a solid presence on the Internet. They usually need to spend most part of their resources on other matters such as improving the club facilities, enhancing their classes or focusing on customer services. However, clubs owners are well aware of the potential of the Internet to increase their sales.
The customer value proposition lies on the convenience. While almost everyone is get used to buy shoes, tickets, there is not a solid platform that offers users to book sport activities in a funny and smart way. Hootik is here to provide this service.
2. Solution:
Hootik is a platform that allows anyone who wants to play sports to find out the right activity/course or private coach, to check all its details, compare it with others, get to know other's opinions, and finally socializing the booking process of any sport activity.
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