


We offer to our users the ability to develop and send photographs by post from their mobile phones or from their social networks

Sobre Mimento

Mimento is a Spanish startup founded in 2014. It allows users to develop photos stored on their mobile phone or on their social networks and have them sent by mail to anywhere in the world. Mimento also allows companies to advertise on the photos that users develop, in exchange for which they do not need to pay anything for the service. We are currently developing an image recognition system which will recognise the contents of photographs users develop to classify or "tag" users automatically and be able to direct advertising based on their tastes. Where companies can create campaigns in real time to a segmented target.

Datos Mimento

Fundacion Spain, February/2014
Trabajadores 4
Estado Startup
Total inversión 1.520.000€
Rondas inversión
  • Early/Startup 02/2016
    80,00 K€

Inversores Mimento 0

Acceleradoras Mimento 0