
Official IQ Test


Professionally certified IQ test, instant results with full IQ report!

Sobre Official IQ Test

This intelligence test is created with the help of outstanding psychologists. You can test your skills in many areas of human thought. The test contains 30 questions and every question has only 1 answer. Find out what is your IQ right now! It was put together by leaders in the intelligence field. Thanks to the great number of tested people, its evaluation is more exact. It includes processed statistics focused on all of the world. You will receive information on your intelligence in comparison with others. You will support your country in a contest to name the smartest country in the world.

Datos Official IQ Test

Fundacion Estonia, August/2016
Estado Pública

Equipo Official IQ Test 1

Inversores Official IQ Test 0

Acceleradoras Official IQ Test 0