


We connect Travelers with Locals to provide authentic travel experiences worldwide

Sobre Papuaz

Papuaz connects Travelers with Local people which provide paid activities (e.g. fishing in canoe, traditional cuisine cooking, coconut harvesting, pet care on a farm, etc). Travelers pay to Locals, while Papuaz charges the 15% fee from every operation. The 3rd user role (besides Traveler and Local) is Explorer. Explorers are travel bloggers which test activities provided by Locals, make reviews and widen the database of Locations and Activities. It’s like a Quality Assurance inside Papuaz platform. And this QA also help to smooth cultural differences and improve the travel experience.

Datos Papuaz

Fundacion April/2017
Estado Startup

Inversores Papuaz 0

Acceleradoras Papuaz 0

Noticias Papuaz 0