Sobre Phenix
We work to solve two problems : 1. If food waste was a country, it would the 3rd largest polluter in the world after China and the USA. The total amount of food waste produced in the world in a year would represent enough food to feed the whole French population for 30 years. In addition to being an environmental and a societal issue, waste collection, treatment and destruction is a major source of expenses for businesses. 2. On the other hand, charities are facing a reduction in public subventions while the number of people asking for help is growing. Europe is facing one of the most important migrating crisis of its history. Inequalities are raising faster than anything else. PHENIX is a BtoB service provider helping businesses tackling waste in their own stores and in their supply chain. We weave circular economies around surplus emitters to transform their waste in resources for other actors as charities, livestock feeding, compost or biogas.
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