
Popular Street


Popular Street is a commercial real estate (CRE) information exchange, bringing popular property data from the street into the cloud

Sobre Popular Street

Popular Street is a commercial real estate (CRE) information exchange. Our goal is to bring popular property data from the street into a centralized platform. We then do the hard math to turn the data into real-time intelligence. We acquire the data from public, private and crowdsourcing. Then we provide "big data"​ insights. Examples of high level insights are building quality score (derived from many factors, such as building age and building energy efficiency, to proximity to public transit and demographics), best tenant industry and average rent in the neighborhood. Examples of detailed insights are risk and market value assessment for each property for financial and insurance companies.

Datos Popular Street

Fundacion Hong Kong · United States, January/2015
Trabajadores 2
Estado Semilla

Inversores Popular Street 0

Acceleradoras Popular Street 0

Noticias Popular Street 0