Sobre Prime Pump
Prime Pump is a Kiwi company that, exclusively, brings the world’s best pump technology home. Established over 12 years ago, we are an inter-generational company committed to the future of our clients’ companies, and their clients too. We are innovators and continue to look for ways to improve our service and add value to the products we sell and hire. Our pumps are used in a range of situations where lives, livelihoods, and the environment can be at stake. Because of that, we feel a real responsibility to providing technology that delivers quality, efficiency, and reliability every day.
Datos Prime Pump
New Zealand,
Inversores Prime Pump 0
Prime Pump no tiene a su equipo agregado
Acceleradoras Prime Pump 0
Prime Pump no ha pasado por aceleradoras
Noticias Prime Pump 0
Prime Pump no tiene ninguna noticia disponible.