Sobre Metalepsframe
Metal-eps frame is an industrialized building system based on the design of mechanized production of components, after a phase of assembly work, form a skeletal structure, which aerated concrete in situ is added. About this phase supports any finish that project design indicated. The system has a variable calculation can be adapted to any project designed. Thus it has been possible to provide products of high added value, with the consequent increase in the quality of both the produced item, such as the service provided.
The characteristics of Metal-eps frame are:
a) Building up 8 floors.
b) The system adapts to any architectural design
c) Maximum energy efficiency
d) Structural elements with no apparent connections to the project / aerated concrete pour
e) reduces construction time and maximizes the resulting quality
f) Flexibility distribution in plants allowing future changes in both interior walls and exterior
g) lights cast the same order as the traditional work
h) Raincoats
i) fireproof
j) Anti-seismic
k) can be used with other building systems
l) does not produce waste
M) 100% recyclable, complete recycling cycle
Datos Metalepsframe
Inversores Metalepsframe 0
Metalepsframe no tiene a su equipo agregado
Acceleradoras Metalepsframe 0
Metalepsframe no ha pasado por aceleradoras
Noticias Metalepsframe 0
Metalepsframe no tiene ninguna noticia disponible.