


Technology and data analysis company that develops hardware and software oriented at optimizing sports performance.

Sobre Speed4lifts

Speed4lifts is a data analysis and technology company that develops hardware and software focused on the optimization of sports performance and health. The force is the most important basic physical capacity and from which the others are expressed. In addition, it is proven that it reduces the mortality rate by 40-70%. Our model consists of 3 pillars: [1] hardware that collects survey data, [2] BigData and IA that analyzes that data looking for patterns and [3] mobile app that tells you which is the most effective training for you. With this, we get to transfer all the knowledge that a coach can have to an AI, in many cases more precise and at a lower cost for the user.

Datos Speed4lifts

Inversores Speed4lifts 0

Acceleradoras Speed4lifts 1