


TALLENTEX is an acronym for ALLEN's Talent Encouragement Exam.

Sobre Tallentex

TALLENTEX is an acronym for ALLEN's Talent Encouragement Exam. TALLENTEX is a specially designed initiative to encourage young talent with cash prizes, scholarships and mentoring by ALLEN Career Institute. As a career institute, we at ALLEN know that an encouragement platform not only provides an opportunity for students to apply their ability and win appreciation but also it nurtures their mind for higher targets of tomorrow. TALLENTEX is a unique exam developed by highly experienced academicians from our departments of IIT-JEE (Main+Advanced), Pre-Medical, Pre- Nurture and Career Foundation. All focused and sincere students will find TALLENTEX full of such benefits which will boost their academic competitive abilities & help them beat the competition.

Datos Tallentex

Equipo Tallentex 0

Inversores Tallentex 0

Acceleradoras Tallentex 0

Noticias Tallentex 0