
TokApp School


The solution for an easy and effective communication between educational institutions and its members

Sobre TokApp School

Email+SMS+Instant messaging, all-in one. TokApp School is the solution for the communication of educational institutions. This is a new and powerful communication tool created to enable an easy and effective communication between the educational community and its members. What lacks have we detected at educational centers? •The need to have a direct and comfortable communication with their members •Communication with divorced parents or students with several tutors •Assurance that a message has been delivered to the recipient •Possibility of requesting a reply of any message. Which solutions has an educational centre up to now? •Paper note: is not 100% effective because many students do not deliver it at their homes. It also assumes hard work to prepare and distribute those notes, as well as paper and printers ink waste and also repair costs. •E-Mail: it takes a long time to read them, and the emails are also many times considered as spam. •Telephone calls: in many cases the recipient cannot answer the call and massive communication is impossible. •SMS: has a lot of limitations: maximum 160 characters length, does not guarantee the delivery, and if the centre needs a reply it is not possible to request it. •School Management Software: it cannot be considered as a direct communication because the receiver has to access the platform to get the information. Which solutions does TokApp School offer to the Educational Institutions? •TokApp School allows an educational centre to send a message to all its members, a group or only to one recipient. •The centre has the ability to attach files, documents etc.. and will also be able to know the day and time the message has been delivered. •The centre can also request a reply from the receiver and keep information of the centre´s communications in an orderly and classified way. •TokApp School, is a multiuser platform, allowing the centre to assign any teacher or tutor to be responsible for the communications of one or more groups. •The start-up of our platform is fast and allows the importation of available data to the centre. TokApp School result in both cost and working hours savings. Our customer is on the one hand the educational sector( schools, collegues, parents´s associations, universities, kindergardens,etc...), and on the other hand all businesses related to the educational sector(bookshops, academies, libraries, playgrounds,etc...) as well as NGOs. These businesses are situated in the "Services" section of our platform, and each of them with the exception of NGOs will have to pay an annual fee for the position in TokApp School.

Datos TokApp School

Total inversión 1.520.000€
Rondas inversión
  • Early/Startup

Acceleradoras TokApp School 0