
witooth weareables technologies


Witooth is a smart technology based on innovative microchips to process and deliver blood glucose concentration collected through sensors

Sobre witooth weareables technologies

Witooth Dental services and Technologies is a technology based company whose creation is the result of an extensive innovative career of their creators in the field disruptive technology. Our company is the result of clinical experience and research of its founders for more than 20 years in the bosom of the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain). Currently Witooth has been developed to a TRL 6, as a unique prototype. We estimate that a sum of € 1.3 M is still needed to rapidly and effectively launch Witooth innovative solution into the market. With the development of Witooth we will allow our company to consolidate and expand its market in Europe with an estimated market share of 1% and a foreseen total revenue of € 4.041 M by 2022. Witooth accounts with an expert professional team and more than 20 years of experience. We have identified the global urgent need of improve diabetes patient monitorization devices while ensuring reliability and comfortability for the patient. Currently, we have a prototype that has been successfully tested under real life condition. The latest version is manufactured using a micro antenna and a printed circuit nano-board (PCB) that transmits the temperature to one APP installed Android phones through NFC technology, i.e. which does not need any kind of battery significantly reducing its size. Witooth Dental services and Technologies es una empresa de base tecnológica cuya creación surge de una dilatada trayectoria innovadora de sus fundadores en el ámbito de las nuevas tecnologías disruptivas. Es fruto de la experiencia clínica y de investigación de sus fundadores durante mas de 20 años en el seno de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. La idea se fundamenta en el desarrollo de micro dispositivos electrónicos implantables de una forma no invasiva (denominados weareables) en el interior de la boca con finalidad de medir distintas variables fisiológicas, fundamentalmente la Glucosa. Estos parámetros son de gran utilidad para la prevención y el diagnostico de enfermedades comunes y para el mantenimiento de hábitos de vida saludables.

Datos witooth weareables technologies

Fundacion October/2015
Estado Semilla

Inversores witooth weareables technologies 0

Acceleradoras witooth weareables technologies 2

Noticias witooth weareables technologies 0