
Build Up Labs

Business Angel

We are a startup studio, a place where ventures build the future. A prosperous land for startups, ideas, tech ninjas, and investors.



Sobre Build Up Labs

We are Venture Builders We are a startup studio, that repeatedly ideate, build and grow several startups in parallel, based on a lean process with a cross-disciplinary team and shared resources. Grow fast or kill fast. On a Mission Create amazing products that deliver great experiences and real value to users at scale, where change is a constant and everything is waiting to be disrupted. We apply Social by Design approach and Machine Learning as our competitive advantage. With a Vision We see a world where life is simpler and more enjoyable. We have a team, a process and a portfolio of products that makes users, co-workers, partners and investors want to join our mission. Join us.

Estrategia inversión Build Up Labs

Estretegía de inversión no pública.

Portfolio Build Up Labs 1