


Global network of top software engineering, design and marketing talent

Sobre Yeeply

Yeeply is a worldwide network of top software engineering, design, and marketing talent - available to help companies adapt, develop, and expand. With hundreds of certified teams and 1,000+ successfully completed projects, Yeeply has established itself as a strong market leader in the web, app, and software development industry. Thanks to Yeeply's AI algorithm, the technological needs of hundreds of companies are analysed every month and matched with the most suitable certified professionals. The majority of Yeeply's clients are SMEs who are looking for advice in order to prevent making poor technological decisions. The Yeeply network includes freelancers, development teams and agencies in more than 40 countries. To be accepted into the network, all talent must pass a screening process to verify professional, technical and communication skills. References are validated and after completing one of the smaller projects, to prove their skills and abilities, they get officially certified.

Datos Yeeply

Fundacion France · Spain, October/2012
Estado Adquirida
Total inversión 1.520.000€
Rondas inversión
  • Early/Startup 06/2014
    320,00 K€
  • Early/Startup