
Swanlaab Venture Factory


20 años de experiencia en capital riesgo a nivel internacional. Más de 100 inversiones y más de 40 salidas de éxito.

About Swanlaab Venture Factory

Swanlaab Venture Factory is a VC established in 2014 by an international team from Spain, Israel, Netherlands and USA amongst other nationalities. Swanlaab investment professionals bring wealth of expertise and experience in Communications, Semiconductors, Information Technology, Enterprise Software, Life Sciences, CleanTech, Media, Internet & Entertainment focused mainly on innovative Spanish technology ventures. Swanlaab provides a proven, reliable and safe process to detect Spanish technology ventures, which have the potential for international success. Both Swanlaabs methodology and international operational team allow for the acceleration and consolidation of the venture’s growth, shoulder to shoulder with entrepreneurs.

Datos Swanlaab Venture Factory


Estrategia inversión Swanlaab Venture Factory

Estretegía de inversión no pública.