
Startup Alcobendas


Startup Accelerator lead by Alcobendas City Council and managed by Cink Emprende. CALL OPEN TILL 15/11

Sobre Startup Alcobendas

Startup Alcobendas is a startup accelerator lead by Alcobendas City Council and focus on helping entrepreneurs with innovative or technological business projects. The Startup Alcobendas accelerator program is opened to any sector startups, being of no importance the maturity of the project or the location of the team. Projects from all the country or sector are welcome to participate in Startup Alcobendas. The participation in Startup Alcobendas program has no cost for the startup, and during 5 months includes specific mentorship, training, networking events, coworking space and access to public and private funding. The Startup Alcobendas acceleration is mentorship-driven and each startup has an specific and individual working plan in order to ascend to a higher startup level during the acceleration period. Although Startup Alcobendas is a project lead by Alcobendas City Council, is managed by expert Consultant Startup & Entrepreneurship firm Cink Emprende.

Datos Startup Alcobendas


Estrategia de la acceleradora

  • Looking for SEED & EARLY stage startups.
  • Equity taken: NO
  • Program lasts: 5 months
  • Mentors: YES
  • Training: YES
  • Office space: YES
  • Team required: YES
  • Cost : NO
  • No direct funding included, but Demo Day with investors and help to get public & private funding.