


A studio for the 21st century


About Bmuse

Technological innovations and changes in consumer demand are causing massive shifts in the media landscape. The arrival of the tablet as a primary media consumption platform is pointing the way to where TV is going. The proliferation of smartphones and mobile applications, the rise of social networks and new forms of distribution that breed new business models all combine to create a tremendous opportunity to reinvent the pillars of media. At bMuse, we build companies and products that reshape the way people create and consume media. New technologies can radically change how media is produced or distributed, but what makes media valuable remains the same: great stories and insightful information. Media either tries to move you or inform you. Technology is what creates or carries that message. You can’t have one without the other. In the past, media was siloed by technology: print, radio, TV, film. But the future of media is immersive, multimodal, and ubiquitous. Digital bits are digital bits. They don’t care if they are carrying bits of music, bits of video, bits of text, or bits of software. Modern media experiences blend all of these together artfully and seamlessly. The way technology products and companies are built today is also changing. The time and cost to design, build, and ship products has shrunk considerably over the past few years. Startup founders are taking advantage of this structural shift by building products at their kitchen tables before they even seek funding. But startups are one-off experiments. We’ve built an entire digital studio system at bMuse that scales product ideas into viable standalone businesses in a replicable manner. bMuse takes advantage of these shifts to develop immersive technologies which make possible new media experiences. Simply put, we use technology to reimagine media.

Data Bmuse


Estrategia de la acceleradora

Estretegía de inversión no pública.

Equipo Bmuse 0

Portfolio Bmuse 0

Noticias Bmuse 0