
Complaint Policy

Complaint Policy

First of all, if you are reading this page, it is because we have not lived up to your expectations in some way. Therefore, the easiest way to file a complaint, express your situation, and for us to take action to find a solution is to download the following TEMPLATE.

Once filled out, you can send it to us by one of the following means:

  • Email: complaints@startupxplore.com
  • Postal mail: C/ Baldoví, 2 Ofic 11 46002 Valencia
  • CEO's email: nacho (at) startupxplore.com

Procedure we will follow to resolve a complaint:

In an ideal scenario, we will resolve it immediately, but that will not always be possible. Therefore, those that cannot be resolved immediately will follow this procedure:

  1. Identification of the client and the issue

Complaints must necessarily be made using the aforementioned TEMPLATE duly completed and submitted by the means provided for this purpose, along with copies of supporting documents.

  1. Acknowledgment of receipt

Once you have notified us of the complaint, we will acknowledge receipt (within a maximum of 15 days) to the email address from which we received the notification or to the one you have indicated in the Template submitted to our registered office, confirming that we are aware of the submission of the complaint and to gather more information if necessary.

  1. Admission and processing

We will analyze objective aspects such as:

  • Subject: Ensuring the person filing the complaint is indeed a client of Startupxplore (promoter or investor).
  • Filing deadline: Ensuring no more than 2 years have passed since the client became aware of the events causing the complaint.
  • Reasons for inadmissibility (besides failure to comply with the above):
  • When the complaint does not provide sufficient information for analysis, or nothing is requested in relation to it.
  • When the complaint has already been resolved, involving the same client and events, or has already been processed through other administrative, arbitration, or judicial channels.
  • When the complaint is unrelated to the client's rights with respect to Startupxplore's obligations.

Inadmissibility of the complaint will be communicated to the client, giving them ten (10) calendar days to correct any issues. If the issues persist, the final resolution will be notified to the client.

Startupxplore may request additional data or information from the client as it deems necessary to make its decision. If this is not provided within 10 calendar days, the complaint will be archived. If the client subsequently provides the necessary documentation, Startupxplore will reopen the file.

The time taken by the client to correct errors or complete the documentation will not be counted towards the two-month deadline for Startupxplore to resolve the case.

  1. Notification of resolution

The resolution will be notified to the client by email or another electronic messaging system within a maximum period of two months.

With the resolution, the case may conclude under the following circumstances:

  • Amicable agreement between the parties: Once reached, it will be binding for both parties and the complaint will be closed.
  • Acceptance of the client's request by STARTUPXPLORE.
  • Client's disagreement with the resolution: The client, if dissatisfied with the outcome, or if no response is received within two months, may approach the competent authorities.
  • Client withdrawal: The client may withdraw their complaint at any time, thereby concluding the procedure.

Additionally, a record will be kept of all complaints received, their status, and, if closed, the final resolution adopted. Startupxplore PSFP will inform of its inclusion in this record and other matters provided in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, on the protection of personal data. The data recorded will be kept for at least five (5) years after being recorded or last updated. The data in this record will be strictly confidential.