
Entrepreneurial Spark


Our mission is to encourage Entrepreneuring® through the development of entrepreneurial mindset and behaviours.


About Entrepreneurial Spark

After two years of RBS working successfully together in Scotland, we agreed in September that we would roll-out the accelerator programme across the whole of the UK. Our new partnership will recreate Entrepreneurial Spark hubs in major cities across the country from Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds and Manchester to Cardiff and Belfast. Work is now underway in earnest to get them ready for launch. This marks a step-change in the way RBS/NatWest support entrepreneurs and is a huge investment for us. When we see what impact Entrepreneurial Spark has had on young Scottish businesses, including impressive survival rates, we know it will be worth it. Gordon Merrylees Head of Entrepreneurship, Royal Bank of Scotland and NatWest

Estrategia de la acceleradora

Estretegía de inversión no pública.

Equipo Entrepreneurial Spark 0

Portfolio Entrepreneurial Spark 1

Noticias Entrepreneurial Spark 0