


From Ideas to Successful Companies.

About Idealab

In addition to capital, Idealab provides a full range of resources to infuse start-ups with the support they need to rapidly introduce innovative products and services. Resources include office space and the accompanying office services, development and technology, product and graphic design, marketing, financial advice, human resources, competitive research, legal, accounting and business development support and services. In addition, Idealab provides advice on strategy, branding and corporate structure. Employees of Idealab are compensated by Idealab, hold Idealab stock options, and receive Idealab benefits. We create and operate pioneering companies.Our companies are based on ideas that challenge the status quo, and change the way people think, live, and work. We commit to treat our employees, companies, partners, and communities with complete fairness, respect, and excellence

Data Idealab


Estrategia de la acceleradora

Estretegía de inversión no pública.

Equipo Idealab 0

Portfolio Idealab 0

Noticias Idealab 0