
Rite Ventures


Rite invests in Swedish and Finnish companies within IT-services, Software as a Service, and e-commerce.


About Rite Ventures

Rite acts as an active investor aiming to transform and position early growth companies for expansion to the midmarket. With a well-proven value creation process and a consistent sector focus we can act as a catalyst in developing our portfolio companies towards its full potential. We invest in growth stage companies that need and injection of capital or external competence to reach the next level. Usually, this is a step in the direction of the more long-term goal of a full or part exit in the next few years. As such, both the industrial experts from Rite's network, together with ourselves, engage actively with the portfolio company to catalyst the value creation processes and positioning it for an exit in the midmarket. A potential exit can involve an IPO, or a trade sale to a private equity firm or an industrial player.

Data Rite Ventures


Estrategia inversión Rite Ventures

Estretegía de inversión no pública.

Equipo Rite Ventures 0

Portfolio Rite Ventures 0

Noticias Rite Ventures 0