
Biel Glasses

Invest from €500

  • 67.43% completed
  • 6 days left
  • Invested €202,288
  • Min. €300,000
  • Max. €600,000
  • 67.43% completed
  • 62 Investors
  • 6
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Understanding the investment opportunity

The company's name, Biel Glasses, comes from Biel, a child born with a condition that causes low vision. Low vision is a visual impairment seven times more common than total blindness; it does not lead to complete blindness but makes daily tasks difficult to perform. It cannot be corrected with conventional glasses or surgery. Its most disabling effect is mobility limitation due to the risk of falls, collisions, and disorientation, which lead to dependency and social isolation. The most severe mobility problems occur when there is a loss of peripheral vision, as in glaucoma and retinitis, affecting more than 70 million people worldwide. The estimated impact exceeds €15,000 per person per year in developed countries, totaling over €100 billion annually in Europe alone.


Although the company was founded because of a child, most people with low vision are older, as the majority of conditions causing it are progressive.

57% of patients are willing to pay up to €5,000 for a solution to these problems, representing a total addressable market (TAM) of over €9 billion in Europe alone. This market has significant growth potential as we introduce our product to the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Until now, the only solutions available have been guide dogs, canes, and navigation apps like Google Maps. White canes are very limited and do not provide real autonomy. Guide dogs are a much better option, but they cost over €30,000 and can take years to obtain. Navigation apps do not detect obstacles, are not very accessible, and are too imprecise for people with low vision.

Our solution, BIEL SMARTGAZE, consists of smart glasses that use AI and mixed reality (MR) to adapt reality to the patient’s remaining vision, allowing them to move safely. Additionally, they include highly useful visual enhancements such as zoom vision, contrast improvement, and adaptive lighting adjustments, providing complete autonomy.

What patients are saying:

Ivanna Caraccio: "With Biel Glasses, I can be more independent and go to places I couldn't before." – Pilot Patient, Barcelona 2024

Lluís Fortuny: "I feel safer with these glasses, especially for objects that appear blurry. The glasses help me see objects more clearly and make me aware that I need to pay attention to them."


Throughout its development, we have tested BIEL SMARTGAZE in various mobility situations within our laboratory, built with the support of EIT Health at the School of Optometry of Terrassa (Polytechnic University of Catalonia). The tests have shown an 80% improvement in patient mobility. BIEL SMARTGAZE is certified at the European level as a Class 1 medical device (MDR).

We have conducted several pilot projects in four cities, the most significant one in Barcelona, where we tested the glasses with over 30 patients in collaboration with the Barcelona City Council, the Government of Catalonia, UPC, and Mobile World Capital. Additionally, we maintain ongoing collaboration with leading institutions and associations related to low vision.


So far, we have secured over €4 million in R&D funding, which has enabled the development of our Biel Smartgaze device. The goal of this crowdfunding campaign is to obtain the necessary private funding to launch its commercialization. In 2025, we will begin commercialization in Europe, with plans to expand into the U.S. and Asia in 2026. We already have pre-distribution agreements in Spain, Denmark, the Netherlands, the U.S., and Canada, including with Essilor Luxottica, the global leader in optics.

In this regard, thanks to the research, grants obtained, and prototype development carried out since the previous 2020 round, we have increased our company valuation to €5,120,000.

At Biel Glasses, we are committed to continuous innovation. We are already developing the next version of our device, which will feature an improved design, reducing its size and weight, while incorporating new functions such as safe and accessible navigation and street-crossing assistance.



ATTENTION: The investment round in Biel Glasses is structured through an Investment Company. There is a circumstance we must highlight: if, at the time capital gains are generated, the Investment Company’s stake in Biel Glasses has been reduced below 5%, these capital gains will be subject to double taxation due to the non-exemption of corporate tax. We will implement mechanisms to try to avoid this, but you should be aware of this circumstance.




  • patient-empowerment
  • healthcare
  • mobility
  • (+3)



Biel Glasses Team

Jaume Puig Adamuz CEO
Jaume Puig Adamuz

Senior executive & serial entrepreneur with 25+ in ICT. Expert in visual tech, enhancing mobility for Low Vision patients.

Constanza Lucero CMO
Constanza Lucero

Co-founder & Medical Director of Biel Glasses, with 15+ years in healthcare driving innovation in medical technology for low vision patients

Pankaj Sarangal

Pankaj Sarangal


Alex Cabañeros

Alex Cabañeros


Jordi Puig Adamuz

Jordi Puig Adamuz


Eulalia Sanchez

Eulalia Sanchez


Current investors






Barcelona Activa

Barcelona Activa



Biocat "craash"








IQS NEXT Tech Factory

IQS NEXT Tech Factory





Reasons to invest View more data

There are 70 million people with low vision who urgently need a solution to their mobility problems. Biel Glasses has developed a proprietary, patented technology that has received more than 25 international awards and recognitions, allowing these people to move safely, which is a global novelty.

1. Class 1 device, CE marked, patented, and 100% operational, ready to begin commercialization.

2. Proprietary technology well protected by patents:

  • EPO and PCT patents for the device have been filed (July 2020) and freedom to operate has been validated (ZBM Patents). The patent has entered national phases, with the process already underway for European countries and the US. 
  • The patent covers the device and the methods used to produce its functions and will be exploited by Biel Glasses. Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid), LEITAT, and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Barcelona) have participated in the development of the device. All intellectual property belongs to the company.
  • Biel Glasses Smartgaze has been certified as a Class 1 Medical Device (May 2021) with the corresponding approval from the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS).

3. Current available solutions are much more expensive and offer fewer functionalities than Biel Glasses:

  • Guide dogs cost more than €30,000 and take years to obtain (waiting list).
  • Navigation applications like Google Maps are inaccurate (they have meter errors), do not avoid obstacles, and are difficult to use for people with low vision.
  • White canes are a limited solution, as they do not allow for independent movement.

4. Large market (70 million people), with patients highly predisposed to pay: 

  • Low vision affects more than 200 million people worldwide, of which 70 million suffer from mobility problems (7 million of them in Europe). A 30% increase is expected in the next ten years due to population aging. 
  • 57% of patients are willing to pay up to €5,000 for a solution to their mobility problems. The company that finds the solution will have a large captive market.
  • The market volume, solely in Europe, is 9 billion euros, a figure calculated considering only patients within a specific age range and with the financial capacity to purchase the glasses themselves. In addition to this market, the volume from public healthcare systems, social services, insurance companies, and other institutions related to visual impairment should be considered.

5. First version already available:

  • The first version of Biel Glasses, Biel Smartgaze 1®, is already available. 
  • The second version, Biel Smartgaze 2®, to be launched in 2025, will reduce size and improve aesthetics, and will include revolutionary, safe, and accessible navigation capabilities, allowing full autonomy for the first time.

6. Solution proven in real environment with more than 30 patients: Five pilot projects have been carried out with more than 30 patients in the cities of Barcelona, Tarragona, Reus and Figueres, as well as a pilot in Motegi, Japan, in collaboration with Panasonic.

7. Distribution agreements already signed: Biel Glasses already has distribution agreements signed and underway in Spain, Denmark, the United States, Canada, etc., with market leaders such as Humanware (part of the listed corporation EssilorLuxotica).

8. Doctors, engineers and opticians and optometrists, and key opinion leaders working together: Multidisciplinary team composed of doctors, engineers specialized in artificial intelligence, computer vision and robotics, as well as opticians-optometrists and Key Opinion Leaders from the visual health sector. Together, we combine clinical and technological expertise to develop innovative solutions that improve the accessibility and effectiveness of eye care.

9. International recognitions: 25 international awards and recognitions, including the Seal of Excellence from the European Commission, Israel Innovation Prize, Healthy Longevity Catalyst Award, Best Digital Health Company (European Patient Digital Award), among others.


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      Opportunity analysis Last update Feb 13, 2025 2:38:51 PM

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