Understanding the investment opportunity
Emérita Legal is a legaltech that provides both consumers and professionals with previously unavailable legal information about the actual experience of lawyers, judges and other parties, as well as different legal specialties, through the analysis of more than 10 million legal cases with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies, mainly natural language processing (NLP), machine learning (ML) and other data mining techniques.
Its main activity is to recurrently collect and transform data from the legal sector into reliable analytical information to improve legal decisions.
Emérita Legal aims to contribute to a more transparent and accessible legal sector, and its mission is to become the main source of legal information in Europe for consumers and lawyers.
This model, free for the consumer and freemium for the lawyer, translates into a feedback system that exchanges information for end-user contact data (leads), generating business that attracts lawyers organically and keeps them incentivized to provide new data on a recurring basis.
In this way, Emérita Legal's Big Data is fed with unpublished data, allowing the generation of increasingly sophisticated and accurate content, in an exclusive way.
Data transformed into information and information transformed into business (leads) for lawyers.
It is the first qualitative reference of lawyers based on objective data, moving away from the traditional paid reputation models that characterize its competitors.
Its ranking of lawyers allows the user of legal services to transparently know the track record of professionals, compare the quality/price ratio of their services and find the perfect match in terms of specialization, experience and results.
In addition, it allows lawyers to differentiate themselves in a relevant way by their expertise, boost their digital reputation in a credible way as well as obtain new business on a regular basis in their fields of expertise. It is the best solution in the market to the problems of differentiation and business generation for lawyers, who are currently facing a saturated and highly competitive market.
- machine-learning
- marketplace
- data-mining
- (+5)
Emérita Legal Team
Antonio Padín
Revelando el poder de la BigData judicial | CEO Emérita Legal | Abogado
Yéssica Vázquez
Samuel Martinez
CTO | Web-fullstack developer
Hernán de la Fuente
CIO | Bases de datos - BigData
Miguel Lago
Marketing online
Raquel Duque
Customer Service Lead
Archipélago Next
Carlos Blanco
Conector Startup Accelerator
Luis Font
Luis Taboada
Luis del Pozo
Telmo Pérez
Conector Startup Accelerator
Go2Work EOI
Reasons to invest View more data
- SOCIAL IMPACT. Emérita Legal drives transparency in the legal sector by creating the first reliable source of open legal information that enables more informed and effective decision-making based on objective data.
REAL DISRUPTION. This legaltech has forever changed the rules of the game in the positioning of lawyers. A global and objective benchmarking model of lawyers' judicial performance awarded in 2019 by the highest governing body of lawyers at the Spanish level (CGAE) and validated by the Spanish data protection agency (AEPD) in 2021, marking a milestone in privacy for all of Europe. (See more information here)
- SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION. The first model that has proven to recurrently collect judicial data from the only source globally with access to all court rulings and judgments, lawyers. A model that builds a competitive advantage based on the size of an exclusive, unprecedented and very difficult to replicate judicial database.
- JUDICIAL ANALYTICS. They transform judicial BigData into information in an automated, massive and low-cost way thanks to the use of cutting-edge data and AI technologies. This is their differentiation as a marketplace.
- ORGANIC AND EXPONENTIAL GROWTH. With a clear focus on business generation, they drive the massive generation of high value SEO content capable of attracting business and exchanging it for more data in an infinite feedback loop, which makes it the cheapest lawyer marketplace to run, due to its organic penetration capacity in lawyers (B2B) and end user (B2C and assimilated) which has made them the leading lawyer directory in Spain in 2021.
- MARKET. Focused on a market that, in Spain alone, has an annual turnover of >15,000M€ and in which there are 28M searches on the Internet, 6M trials per year and 142K active lawyers.
- TEAM. A consolidated team that covers internally the critical areas of the project, that has demonstrated that it can carry it out and that has experience both in the legal sector and in legaltech projects and technological developments with large companies and public institutions.
- INTERNATIONALIZATION. Possibility of international scaling, with an initial focus mainly in Europe, replicating the freemium penetration model that has already conquered the Spanish market.
- ACCUMULATED VALUE / VALUE ECOSYSTEM. This model is the first of the countries with "continental law" systems (more than 90% globally), which allows the creation of a statistically relevant sample by overcoming the traditional barrier of access to this data, less than 0.15%; becoming the largest repertoire of judicial instance data in Spain, multiplying x34 the capacity of any other market player.
- INTERNAL MOMENTUM. Tracking >90% of the current uptake. Since its entry, internal partners have always supported Emérita Legal and the vast majority have been accompanying it in the latest investment rounds.
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