

"Invest from €500"

Cabiedes and Partners
Notable investor Cabiedes and Partners
Invest €40,000
  • Invested €294,703
  • Max. €320,000
  • 92.09% completed
  • 05/2024 Closed on
  • Invested €294,703
  • Max. €320,000
  • 92.09% completed
  • 33 Investors
  • 05/2024
Invest in less than 5 min.

Understanding the investment opportunity

INVITADISIMA is the largest technological platform in Spain for marketing fashion and accessories for guests and brides. A platform with great scalability that, thanks to being technology developers, will become the European big player in its market niche.

INVITADISIMA has a hybrid business model between marketplace and dropshipping, adapting to market needs and creating significant entry barriers for big players in the sector, thanks to its operations, product customization, technology, specialization, product type, and brand exclusivity.

INVITADISIMA is a unique platform where technology and distribution come together to give voice to a niche in fashion, that of bride and guest, a resilient sector to crises that, despite the current economic situation, continues to grow and strengthen, becoming even stronger.

The technological development of INVITADISIMA is key to our sector and our business model, helping us to:

  • Be more competitive - we can increase the number of references uploaded to the platform by 100% monthly.
  • Decrease our CACs by 20% - thanks to a deep understanding of the customer and anticipating their needs
  • Enhance the customer experience - offering products tailored to their demands
  • Increase the catalog and the number of references - for better positioning and attracting a critical mass of buyers through SEO - being able to upload up to 1500 references per month.
  • Qualitatively improve our operations without the need to grow in human capital - automating processes: sales, returns, order sheets...

"Thanks to INVITADISIMA, we have been able to grow and expand beyond our geographical area. We were stagnant, and we have been able to grow, and our artisans have a better life. We owe them a lot." - KAMALA.

"We invested a lot of money in a website that was not generating sales; there were no visits. Thanks to INVITADISIMA, we sell nationally and focus our efforts on design and product" - EB Fashion Group.

"INVITADISIMA came at a time when we did not see light at the end of the tunnel... We were thinking of closing the brand. With them, we have hope; we have recurring sales again, and they help us with market trends when designing. We owe them a lot." - PF Luxe.




    • digital business
    • tech companies
    • marketplace
    • (+1)




    Pilar Nestar CEO
    Pilar Nestar

    Laura Mendez

    Laura Mendez


    Marta Poyatos

    Marta Poyatos


    Hugo Herreros

    Hugo Herreros


    Current investors
    Cabiedes and Partners

    Cabiedes and Partners


    Jesus Monleon

    Jesus Monleon


    Jose Ignacio Solaeche

    Jose Ignacio Solaeche


    Reasons to invest View more data

    INVITADISIMA is a growing company that offers a unique investment opportunity. We are currently in a phase of scaling and developing technology to become stronger, continue growing - without the need to invest in human capital. We have industry-leading partners and advisors assisting us with their expertise in internationalization, scaling, and making informed decisions based on their experience.


    We capture B2C primarily through SEO, 92% of our traffic comes from this channel. 5% comes from branding - being the largest platform in Spain and the third in Europe - and the remaining 3% from social media and paid media. This makes our CACs half of the industry's best.


    We are the only existing platform with qualified products. We give voice to small brands, emerging designers, and designer brands. A fashion niche that INVITADISIMA is an online spokesperson for.

    INVITADISIMA was born to give a voice to these brands and artisans on the Internet. We want to offer our customers an exclusive, high-quality, eco-friendly product that they would not be able to access on their own due to the fragmentation of the industry and the characteristics of this market niche.

    We grow an average of two brands per month, currently have the capacity to upload 500 references/month - with technological development underway, we will be able to triple this figure and become the number one reference platform in Europe in the short/medium term.


    We have a proven, scalable business model that more and more companies are adopting. Marketplaces have changed the rules of the game, and the market is moving towards offering everything on a single platform, welcome to eCommerce 3.0.


    At INVITADISIMA, WE HAVE NO TECHNOLOGICAL DEPENDENCY. We are a dynamic platform that does not need a third party to grow and scale our business6. We develop technology in two distinct directions.

    1- Connectivity - SYNC SYSTEM - real-time information from third parties

    2- User Experience. - customization of all stages of the sales funnel


    All our advisors are investors in the company. We have the best helping us grow. From heavyweights in the sector like Cabiedes & Partners, to Jesús Monleón (who has joined this investment round) or recognized tech companies.


    We are in a truly scalable market with very attractive numbers that grow annually - See market for complete data - 1.4 billion euros annually in sales with annual growth between 2-5%.

    Spanish consumers make 39% of their online purchases on marketplaces, and nearly half (43%) have increased their use in the last year.


    • Our CACs are half of the best CAC in the industry due to our marketing and positioning strategy.
    • We have a 32% take rate due to our hybrid-technological business model. Our average cart is €152, which is €42 per order.
    • We had a growth in sales x2 in the last year.
    • Our shipping costs are marginal. They correspond to marketing strategies since shipping is covered by the brands. We do not assume these costs.


    Pilar Nestar, CEO and Founder, is a marketing specialist with over 15 years of experience. She has created a truly comprehensive marketing team and an unbeatable strategy where impact, branding, reduction of CACs, and growth are its fundamental pillars.

    INVITADISIMA's mission is to be the online reference in the bridal and guest sector - The guest sector goes beyond weddings. At INVITADISIMA, we cover all BBC's - Weddings, Baptisms, Communions, Events, Parties, Graduations, Debuts, Christmas. Through Marketing, we capture in the early stages, thus being able to have an LTV of between 6 and 10 years.

        Who is the reference investor?

        Cabiedes and Partners

        Cabiedes and Partners


        Invest €40,000
        About Cabiedes and Partners
        Cabiedes and Partners cuenta 25 mill. de euros para invertir en startups de internet en fase seed y una vocación de participar anualmente en 10 startups
        • Investing in startups:25 years
        • Euros invested:+50MM
        • Investments:>100
        • Exits:>10 with a multiple >3x
        Why do I invest in INVITADISIMA?

        INVITADISIMA is a resilient company in the face of crises and external factors. It has demonstrated incredible cash management and has been able to make tough decisions at the right moments.

        Its scalability, margins, and management team make INVITADISIMA a truly interesting company for our portfolio of investments.

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        Opportunity analysis Last update May 16, 2024 9:47:04 AM

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