Profe Digital


"Deduct 50% of your investment in the next spanish IRPF"

N Ventures I Innovation FCRE
Notable investor N Ventures I Innovation FCRE
Invest €200,000
  • Invested €481,804
  • Min. €570,000
  • Max. €896,000
  • 84.53% completed
  • 10/2024 Closed on
  • Invested €481,804
  • Min. €570,000
  • Max. €896,000
  • 84.53% completed
  • 33 Investors
  • 10/2024
Invest in less than 5 min.

Understanding the investment opportunity

Profe guarantees the academic success of students from secondary education to university entry. Our unique combination of technology and expert teachers addresses a recurring problem for a broad target segment, providing greater value than current, more localized, and less tech-oriented solutions.



Profe's vision is to become the largest online platform in Spain offering high-quality and personalized education to pre-university students. To achieve this, Profe focuses on the largest market for extracurricular classes aimed at academic support and grade improvement, specifically targeting secondary education and high school students. Additionally, we concentrate on subjects with the highest demand in the market, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, and language. In this way, we differentiate ourselves from more general and less specialized offerings in the target market.

Technology is the backbone of our model, as it adds value both in enhancing the educational experience and in providing parents with information about their children's progress and how well they are benefiting from the classes.

Our technology enables:

  • Live classes through our own platform with technology adapted to education.
  • Digital resources such as the interactive digital whiteboard, live polls, and immediate file and content sharing.
  • Personalized assessments for each student.
  • Integration of AI to design personalized study plans, support teachers in the classroom, and generate reports for parents.
  • 24/7 accessibility: Students can access the necessary resources at any time and from anywhere.

In short, we offer a solution focused on solving a problem for a very broad target group of students. In Spain, there are 2.7 million students, of whom 1.6 million participate in some type of extracurricular activity each year. Our combination of expert teachers and technology makes it a highly differentiated offering with a high level of scalability, as it focuses entirely on online methodologies and automated processes.

This problem is not only present in Spain but also in Europe and Latin America. The case of Latin America, where we have a lot of organic traffic, will be analyzed once we achieve a significant market share in the Spanish market.





  • educacion
  • edtech


Fiscal benefits

Investing in Profe offers you fiscal benefits

Profe Team

Francesc Calabia CEO
Francesc Calabia

Directivo del sector educación y edtech apasionado por la aportación de valor de la tecnología en el sector educativo

Carlos Blanco

Carlos Blanco


Eli Martinez Guardiola

Eli Martinez Guardiola


Ernest Sanchez

Ernest Sanchez


Giorgio Fasulo

Giorgio Fasulo


Current investors
Carlos Blanco

Carlos Blanco


David Tomas

David Tomas


Jordi Giné

Jordi Giné


N Ventures

N Ventures


Virginia Agelet

Virginia Agelet


Reasons to invest View more data

Market Growth:

  • In 2022, this market is worth 1.7 billion Euros.
  • Our target market, which includes secondary education and high school students, represents 2.7 million students in Spain.
  • 60% of secondary education students and 70% of high school students take tutoring classes outside of school.
  • Families with children in secondary education and high school invest the most in tutoring classes, primarily in core subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, language, and English.

Considering that in Spain there are 2,058,896 secondary education students and 697,265 high school students, with an average family expenditure of €133 and €184 at each level, this gives us a total annual market of 402 million euros in secondary education and high school.

Proven Effectiveness:

  • Profe.com has demonstrated its ability to improve academic performance, with 88% of our students improving their grades within three months.
  • We have conducted over 15,000 sessions with more than 1,000 students, reflecting our experience and the trust of our users.
  • Families rate us 4.9 out of 5, mainly due to the improvement in their children's academic performance, thanks to the boost provided by Profe's classes.

Scalable Business Model:

  • By expanding our offering with the group class model and our current base of teachers, the model can achieve high growth with greater profitability by reducing teacher costs from 50% to 23%.
  • We project reaching 2 million euros in revenue by 2027, with 2,500 active students.
  • Automated teacher selection and onboarding process in its initial phase, with a final interview to ensure the correct teacher profile.
  • High demand for teachers willing to collaborate, due to the organic traffic generated in student recruitment campaigns.

Advanced Technology and Personalization:

  • Our platform uses advanced technology, such as high-definition virtual classrooms, collaborative whiteboards, and AI-supported chat, to offer a personalized and high-quality learning experience.
  • Flexibility and adaptation to each student's needs are key to our educational approach. AI-supported tutors assist teachers in efficiently managing different levels within the group.
  • Families can track their children's progress through the grades recorded by the teachers.

Expert Team:

  • Our leadership team has over 10 years of experience in edtech, ensuring the effective definition and execution of our strategies.
  • We have a rigorous teacher selection process and an onboarding model to ensure the quality of our classes. This aspect sets us apart from traditional models where there is no quality assurance for the teacher.

Social Impact:

  • Extracurricular education is growing in importance, becoming a necessity for many families seeking to improve their children's educational opportunities.
  • We contribute to closing the educational gap by providing access to high-quality tutoring, regardless of geographic or economic barriers.
  • 90% of our students improve their academic performance.

        Who is the reference investor?

        N Ventures I Innovation FCRE

        N Ventures I Innovation FCRE


        Invest €200,000
        About N Ventures I Innovation FCRE
        N Ventures, fondo gestionado por Encomenda Capital Partners, ha invertido en 18 empresas y cuenta ya con revalorizaciones de cartera dando un MOIC de 1,16x; lo cual es muy bueno para un fondo que invierte en fase pre-seed (contando que las inversiones tienen menos de dos años y que, por tanto, se está compensando el importe de los costes de gestión). El fondo N Ventures invierte en las rondas iniciales de los proyectos creados desde la incubadora de Nuclio, donde Carlos Blanco es socio fundador y presidente no ejecutivo, y que actualmente está dirigido por Ernest Sánchez. Desde Nuclio se pone mucho foco en la digitalización del sector educativo y la mejora de la sociedad. En 2022 se invirtió en Profe.com y Minicoders, ambas con impacto en la educación de alumnos en edad escolar. En 2024 se crearon otras dos startups en Edtech enfocadas en la formación a emprendedores y profesionales que se encuentran en el sector digital.
        • Investing in startups:Since 2022
        • Invested Euros:> 3M €
        • Investments:18
        • Exits:N/A
        Why do I invest in Profe?

        Market Opportunity

        • Tutoring Market Value:
          • Spain: 1.7 billion dollars.
          • Europe: 32 billion dollars, projected to 53 billion dollars by 2027.
          • Global: 92 billion dollars, projected to 171 billion dollars by 2027.
        • Market Growth:
          • Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR): 8.3%.
          • Significant post-COVID-19 shift towards online tutoring:
          • Pre-COVID: 39% online tutoring, now nearly 50%.
          • Pre-COVID: 3% of parents considered online classes, now 30%.
          • Spain is one of the European countries where both parents and students believe that the use of technology is essential in the learning process, and 90% of households have a computer or laptop to support this. 

        Source:  GoStudent Report on the Future of Education. 2024.

        • Market Fragmentation in Spain:
          • There is no clear market leader, presenting an opportunity for Profe.com to become the main player.
        • Disruptive Business Model
        • Flexible Subscription:
          • Offers different subscription levels to meet diverse needs.
          • Flexibility without locking customers into long-term commitments.
        • Variety of Solutions:
          • Tailored to different needs and budgets, capturing a wide spectrum of customers.
        • Technology:
          • Process Automation:
            • Teacher selection and onboarding.
            • Purchase and renewal processes.
            • Teacher billing.
            • Class quality control and monitoring.
        • Executive Team
        • Strong Leadership:
          • Francesc, the CEO, with extensive experience in EdTech and education: Francesc is one of the few profiles in the edtech sector who combines management experience after more than 15 years in the corporate field within the Planeta Group Formación y Universidades, with his experience from the last 5 years in the edtech entrepreneurial sector at Lifecole, Nuclio Digital School, and now at Profe.

            He defines himself as an entrepreneur passionate about education and technology, with experience in creating and scaling innovative solutions that transform the way people learn. His vision for the Profe project, which he joined four months ago, is to create a scalable and efficient educational ecosystem that improves students' academic outcomes.
        • Support from Nuclio Venture Builder:
          • A robust platform providing the necessary resources and support for success.
        • Product
        • Integrated Platform:
          • Communication and classes conducted entirely through the platform, minimizing disintermediation.
          • Ability to create content libraries from recordings, facilitating scalability.
        • Designed for Learning:
          • Specifically adapted for education, outperforming generic solutions like Zoom.
        • Scalable Business Model
        • Advanced Technology:
          • Integration of AI, learning analytics, and gamification to enhance the educational experience.
        • Minimal Additional Development:
          • Technology and platform ready to expand into new markets with minimal adaptations needed.


        • Growth Potential:
          • Leveraging a rapidly expanding market and changes in consumer behavior.
        • Leadership Opportunity:
          • Market fragmentation in Spain provides the opportunity to establish oneself as the dominant leader in the highest-demand and fastest-growing market segment.
        • Social and Educational Impact:
          • Investing in Profe.com not only promises significant financial returns but also a positive impact on accessible and quality education.

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        Opportunity analysis Last update Oct 15, 2024 7:40:16 PM

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