

Invest from €500

Andreas Mihalovits
Notable investor Andreas Mihalovits
Invest €150,000
  • Invested €248,453
  • Max. €275,000
  • 90.35% completed
  • 06/2023 Closed on
  • Invested €248,453
  • Max. €275,000
  • 90.35% completed
  • 30 Investors
  • 06/2023
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Understanding the investment opportunity

Rviewer is the platform that connects technically assessed software engineers with companies looking for talent.

We take care of assessing the technical knowledge of candidates, enabling fast and standardized hiring processes, and avoiding developers having to go through multiple technical validations for each selection process.




  • hr-tech



Rviewer Team

Jordi Climent Larios CEO
Jordi Climent Larios

Mauro Gomez Parada CTO
Mauro Gomez Parada

Reasons to invest View more data

  • Rviewer has been named one of the 15 most promising startups in 2022.

  • Our product has helped more than 200 companies, some of them the most important nationally, such as Seat and Acciona. These companies have been able to reduce hiring timelines by up to 70% thanks to our technology developed to automate the review of technical talent tests, improving the experience of their candidates.

  • Our technical tests have been designed by engineers from Facebook, Youtube, Google or Microsoft. Taking care of our users' experience, turning the most hated part of the selection process into a fun and learning step.

  • The founding team has more than 10 years of experience in the industry. Jordi Climent, CEO of the company is a reference in the world of Human Resources, working in Startups such as Doctoralia and Nubelo. The technological part is led by Mauro Gomez, a Computer Science Engineer and a Master in Software Engineering, working at the Barcelona Supercomputer Center, Edreams and as CTO in companies like Adsmurai or Deliverea.

His project is backed by the main Business Angels in Spain, such as Andreas Mihalovits, Albert Armengol, Juanjo Mostazo and David Tomás.


Growth metrics

  • x2 in sales
    • Turnover 2021: 356,420 €.
    • Turnover 2022: 630,576 €.
  • ARR increase
    • ARR 2021: 0
    • ARR 2022*: € 80,550

* Until the end of 2022 we have not had a sales team.

  • x4.5 of our candidate database
    • 2021: 1,917 programmers
    • 2022*: 10,600 programmers

* Our value proposition is what has allowed us to grow to this point in an industry where competition is very high.

  • x2 in companies using our product
    • 2021: 42
    • 2022: 87

Total Available Market, TAM

We are facing a huge market, 65 Billion €. The recruitment of technical profiles is becoming more and more complex and companies need to find new, more sustainable models to reduce time and money.

Who is the reference investor?

Andreas Mihalovits

Andreas Mihalovits


Invest €150,000
OFFICIAL WEBPAGE www.mihalovits.com
About Andreas Mihalovits
Andreas es un emprendedor en serie e inversor ángel alemán, que ha invertido en más de 100 startups internacionales. Es uno de los principales angel investors de Europa. Andreas cofundó su primera empresa de Internet, Omniga, en 1999. Después de alcanzar la rentabilidad en 2 años, Andreas la convirtió en un constructor de empresas centrado en modelos de negocio basados en servicios de suscripción con más de 150 empleados a día de hoy. En 2012 Andreas comenzó a invertir en startups y más tarde también se involucró en el ecosistema español como fundador de Marbella Tech Angels, una red de más de 160 inversores, fundadores y mentores que viven alrededor de Marbella. Andreas también es cofundador del Global Super Angels Club, una plataforma para inversores ángeles que suelen invertir cantidades de seis cifras en startups, apoyando a sus miembros para mejorar su flujo de acuerdos y acelerar su búsqueda de co-inversores afines.
  • Investing in startups:Since 2017
  • Investment:6M€
  • # invested49
Why do I invest in Rviewer?

I met the Rviewer team two years ago, just as they were starting the project. The founding team's industry knowledge and ambition was one of the first reasons I decided to invest in Rviewer.

As an entrepreneur and investor, I have experienced the problem that Rviewer solves for any company that needs to hire technical profiles. The time and money spent by companies on recruitment is very high.

This problem has a global scope, since the problem that a Spanish company has is also a problem for an American company, or for a company from any other part of the world. The size of the market is something that has also led me to invest in the project.

I have been watching Rviewer evolve for 2 years, I have seen how the product has improved, how they have iterated ideas, how they have been wrong and how they have been right, but the important thing is that they learn very quickly.

For all these reasons I have decided to invest again in the Rviewer team.

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Opportunity analysis Last update Feb 26, 2024 2:54:51 PM

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