Understanding the investment opportunity
Triporate is an intelligent platform that solves all business travel requests. The user asks for what s/he needs (hotels, trains, apartments, airplanes...) and receives a complete travel proposal.
Thanks to Artificial Intelligence, the platform allows a more efficient management and a saving of time and cost.
Triporate makes life easy for the company and the traveler:
- They manage the search and selection work.
- Consolidate all trips into one invoice.
- They make a monthly follow-up report of all trips.
- They promote savings policies.
Triporate's technology automates all the processes that to date are a waste of time in travel management, so they can resolve requests up to 10 times faster than conventional travel agencies.
Triporate integrates both dynamic travel policies and a proprietary algorithm for search optimization. Thanks to this Artificial Intelligence, the platform learns on each trip about the behavior of the company and employees, allowing them to make a more efficient decision.
- tech
- business
- travel
- (+3)
Fiscal benefits
Triporate Team

Francisco Vieira
CFO in Triporate

Sergio Orozco
CEO/CMO y CoFunder de Triporate

Ernesto Cohnen
CoCEO & CTO - Let’s change Business & Corporate Travel together!

Asier Vitorica
COO en Triporate

Angel Zamora



Jon Etxeberria Ijurra


Google Campus Madrid

Telefonica OPEN FUTURE
Reasons to invest View more data
- The traditional travel agency model is obsolete, and the mix of technology and good service is the solution. Triporate wants to disrupt the sector. With this positioning, in 5 months (January - May), both turnover and volume of trips have multiplied by 6x, managed by the same team members. Triporate is already 8-10 times faster and more efficient than a conventional travel agency.
Exponential increase in turnover with an average monthly rate of +88 % (last month almost €60,000)- The technology is their greatest strength and that is why they have won Google Residency, so over the next 6 months they will
work hand in hand with them to further improve their Artificial Intelligence (with Google's Tensorflow, IA) and user experience (AMP4Email, the tool that will change the use of email). - Triporate's team is ideal to lead a project in this sector, as they have 4 strategic profiles to carry out the project:
- Technology and product
- Sales and marketing
- Finance and administration
- Operations
They have extensive experience in Corporate Travel in high/middle management within some of the leading companies in the sector. They know what the problems and inefficiencies of the sector area and are convinced that they can be solved with Triporate and its technology.
The service as a business core is carried out by Travel Genius, profiles that combine tourism, communication or humanities studies and are responsible for using Triporate technology. They are agile and highly technological profiles that are reinventing the travel agency model.
- Since they have started to operate, Triporate has not lost a single customer acquired. All of them have continued to hire their services on a recurring basis (this is a model of high recurrence), thus supporting the high level of customer retention achieved.
- The number of customers grows at a monthly rate of 68 %.
- The Corporate Travel market in Spain is huge (18 billion euros). But not only in Spain, in the 6 months of activity, they have already managed to be present internationally (Germany and Holland). Their own national customers have been the ones who, knowing their technology, have requested to implement their services for their subsidiaries and parent companies. This has been made possible in a simple way because Triporate's technology knows no borders or languages.
- For every euro invested in
acquisition , Triporate gets a return of 6.65 € - Triporate does not require installation or downloads, just an email. They bet on a much simpler interface for the customer, eliminating any friction in the process.
- With NLP (Natural Language Processing technology), they automatically get to dump relevant email information onto their platform to prepare a complete travel proposal.
- Thanks to the fact that it is a technology travel agency, the number of trips managed has grown exponentially without the need to expand the team, which demonstrates the scalability of the project.
Who is the reference investor?

Ángel Zamora
About Ángel Zamora
Ángel Zamora posee una amplia experiencia como consultor estratégico para empresas multinacionales en Europa, además de ser miembro del consejo de administración de una de las empresas referentes de licores y vinos (marcas como Martin Miller, Ramón Bilbao o Licor 43). Licenciado en Negocios y Marketing por ICADE en Madrid y MBA por la Darden Business School en Estados Unidos. Inversor en varias startups españolas cómo: LandBot, Fotawa, Oarsis y la incubadora Demium. Ahora está inmerso en la expansión en el mercado brasileño de la startup “Quinto Andar”, marketplace de alquiler residencial con más 12.000 inmuebles."Throughout my life, I have traveled a lot for work, and I have indeed felt what the Triporate team so well explains. This market is about to be reinvented.
This intelligent platform makes life easier not only for the traveler but also for the company.
Before I invested, they asked me to become a client, and so I did. A few weeks later, when I was offered a benchmark investment position, it was clear to me that this solution worked, and the difference or value compared to previous experiences has nothing to do with it. I'm sure Triporate has found the right product/market fit, and now they need to keep growing to do something very successful.
The founding team, first and foremost, inspires my personal confidence and they are very good, each in their own area."
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