

Invest from €500

  • 89.46% completado
  • 9 días restantes
  • Invertidos €223,658
  • Min. €250,000
  • Max. €300,000
  • 89.46% completado
  • 28 Inversores
  • 9
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Understanding the investment opportunity

Votum World represents the forefront of innovation in sports health and mental health products with cannabinoids (CBD and other non-addictive formulations).

Votum World's business model includes two major pillars: product innovation, synergy between technology & cannabinoids. Combined with a network of physical commercial distribution clients, B2B clients, and online platforms aimed at B2C, which generate new growth and scalability opportunities.

At Votum World, we work to lead the revolution in the sports wellness and personal care industry.

To achieve this, we dedicate investment and effort in researching new formulas, as well as using new products and applications. Only in this way do we have the ability to stay ahead of current competition, setting from Votum World the market entries of new solutions that meet people's diverse needs.

The research we conduct at Votum World is not in vain, as the innovation reaches the hands of the end consumer through our clients who make up the physical and online distribution network. In this regard, the startup has conducted the first clinical study on inflammation and pain levels using cannabinoids by a Spanish company. The results have been highly positive and favorable, showing a 60% reduction in inflammation and pain, surpassing ibuprofen by 15% under the same conditions. It is the first to conduct clinical studies on neuropathic and chronic pain, anxiety, and insomnia.

On the other hand, our online B2C channel consists of the ecommerce platform votumworld.com and other online sales platforms aimed at the end customer.

In 2025, Votum World has launched the largest European research project to date, focusing on health, cosmetics, and cannabinoids. The project is funded by EU grants and conducted in collaboration with university research centers.




  • health
  • health-fitness
  • biotech


Fiscal benefits

Investing in Votum offers you fiscal benefits

Votum Team

Alejandro M. Martí López CoCEO
Alejandro M. Martí López

¿Cómo van a saber que lo necesitan si ni siquiera lo han visto? Si queremos ser grandes, debemos arriesgarnos también.

Borja P. Vera Ruiz CoCEO
Borja P. Vera Ruiz

Ruben García Villaescusa

Ruben García Villaescusa


Dr. Francisco Martínez

Dr. Francisco Martínez

Director Médico

Dr. Sergio Navarro

Dr. Sergio Navarro

Director Técnico & Cosmetólogo

Javier Abellán

Javier Abellán


Roberto Navarro

Roberto Navarro


Jorge Molina

Jorge Molina


Current investors
Cosme Bernabé

Cosme Bernabé


Sergio Manuel Moreno

Sergio Manuel Moreno








Reasons to invest View more data

Innovation and Advanced Technology: We stand out for our ability to combine cannabinoids with other active ingredients, offering products that significantly improve the physical and mental well-being of our users. Supported by our own clinical studies that we conduct on the products.

Expert Team:

Alejandro Martí and Borja Vera, co-founders and co-CEOs, lead Votum World with a clear vision of growth and expansion, dedicating 100% of their resources and combining their experience in business management and team leadership.

Doctor Francisco Martínez, with over 25 years in sports surgery, strengthens clinical research and synergies in elite sports.

Doctor Sergio Navarro, with 20 years leading R&D in cosmetics, brings technological innovation.

Javier Abellán, with more than 10 years in market development, drives sales after working at prestigious consumer firms.

Rubén García, with 17 years in operational management, leads continuous improvement at Votum World.

Jorge Molina, a marketing and advertising specialist focused on increasing business sales through online channels, both on their own websites and on Amazon.

International Expansion: We are positioned to expand quickly and efficiently in the European market, taking advantage of the growing interest in CBD and its applications in health and cosmetics. The geographical expansion of Votum World products over the years (2026/2027 EU, LATAM) supports us:

  • 2021: Murcia
  • 2022: Murcia, nearby provinces.
  • 2023: Spain, Italy (online).
  • 2024: Spain, Mexico (branch), Italy, France, Portugal, Germany (online)

Differential Benefit: Our products offer superior benefits thanks to our clinical research and specialized formulations that differentiate us from our competitors, positioning us as leaders in a highly competitive sector.

In clinical studies conducted with Votum World products, we achieved a reduction in pain and inflammation by up to 59%, compared to 45% obtained with Ibuprofen. Therefore, Votum World presents a 14% improvement over ibuprofen.

This positions Votum World as a better clinical option for pain and inflammation treatment compared to NSAID options that harm the body.

Study results: https://journals.lww.com/ijds/fulltext/2024/16020/clinical_study_of_analgesic_and_anti_inflammatory.5.aspx 

Votum World's CBD cream significantly reduced masseter activity, pain intensity, and provided a greater analgesic effect compared to other products.

  • The combination of CBD, Votum Cream, and physiotherapy achieved a 59% reduction.
  • The combination of physiotherapy and 600 mg ibuprofen reduced pain by 45%.

    Our ability to improve our differential benefit is ongoing. In 2024, we are conducting three new clinical studies with our own products.

    • Muscle regeneration speed.
    • Sleep behaviors and disorders.
    • Inflammation and pain in pets (dogs).

    Opportunity in a Growing Sector: With the increasing demand for effective natural health solutions, Votum World is strategically positioned to capture a significant share of this expanding market.

    Revenue Data: The increase in sales is solid, demonstrating that the market is growing, and we are growing at a faster pace.

    • 2021: €5.600
    • 2022: €72.400
    • 2023: €170.400
    • 2024: €229.200

    Votum World's compound annual growth rate: 158%

    The CBD market has experienced a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 20% in recent years, with an estimated total growth of 400% for the 2021-2028 period.

    All this development has been carried out almost entirely with our own resources, countless hours of work, and a small capital contribution.

    • 2021: 40.000 € (founders)
    • 2022: 30.000 € (founders)
    • 2023: 225.000 € (Pre-Seed)


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          Opportunity analysis Last update Feb 7, 2025 2:21:08 PM

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