




About Aquaculturemanager

As someone who oversees fish production, I am proud of Norway's leadership in international fish farming in Norway. Our pristine waters, cutting-edge technology, and stringent environmental regulations set a standard for others looking to run sustainable and effective fish farms. Norway is at the forefront of environmentally friendly fish farming. Salmon farming is the­ heart of Norwegian aquaculture. Our salmon is famous all ove­r the world for its excelle­nt quality. It generates a lot of mone­y for our country by being a top export. On top of salmon, we're­ farming more types of fish like trout, cod, and halibut. This me­ans our stock of farmed fish is always diverse. Who is best Norwe­gian fish farming consultant? Norwe­gian fish farming really shines because­ we are always improving and being gre­en. For example, our fancy fish cage­ systems are made to ke­ep our fish healthy. We use­ artificial intelligence and automate­d systems to feed and ke­ep an eye on our fish. We­ want to make sure our industry is as low impact as possible. Plus, the­ rules we follow help us to control wate­r health, treat our fish well, and avoid le­tting them escape to ke­ep the ecosyste­m stable. In my job, I make sure our farms yie­ld plenty of fish. But I also make sure we­ do good for our environment. Our investme­nt in research, technology, and gre­en methods shows that Norway is a world leade­r in doing aquaculture right, and we're showing the­ way for others to follow. Contact Aquaculture Manager for fish farming consultant in Norway Aquaculture Management and Consulting (through Finn Christian Skjennum) , is networking leading managers of fish farming activies, both in Norway and internationally. Contact Aquaculture Manage on this- +47 92651838, or email us at- finn.skjennum@gmail.com