About Jokin García
I've been working with entrepreneurs and start-ups for 18 years, particularly advising on corporate strategy and business model, as well as the financing of the company. I have been responsible for the Innovative Business Incubator in CEIN and developed many business plans.
I have been responsible for the seed capital fund, Start Up Capital Navarra (2000-2012), managed by CEIN: recruitment, investment analysis, negotiation, investment and divestment agreements and the monitoring of company portfolios. We invested in 24 innovative companies in various sectors: pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, IT and industrial.
I served on the Board of Directors on 3 companies: Maderplast, Feedback Networks and Bionanoplus. I supported on the Boards of 12 other companies.
From 2004-2011 I managed the team EIBT in CEIN (Innovative and Technology-Based Companies or TBC). In addition to managing the Start Up fund and the Fondo Joven fund (seed capital for young people), we designed a methodology for creating TBC based on research results from universities, research institutes and private companies. Achievements: “EIBT” National brand recognition, creation of the Network to support EIBT in Navarra (two universities and seven research centres), 42 EIBT created, designed and implemented of a European project Interreg-Sudoe 2010-2012 with a budget of 1.5 million €.
In recent years, I have procured public and private funding for innovative companies.
I have also designed and implemented many projects with national and European public support for entrepreneurs (Ideactiva Contest, Fondo Joven seed capital fund, EIBT-Generator, Business Angels Network, etc).
I have provided training and lectures on entrepreneurship and finance start-ups.