
Jorge Gonzalez



About Jorge Gonzalez

Coordinator of the European project GET. GET delivers 4 high-value services (on business models, investment, internationalization and need identification) to EU eHealth SME and enterpreneurs. www.get-ehealth.eu. Organizer of the EU SME eHealth Competition, that promotes eHealth and mHealth SMEs across Europe www.ehealthcompetition.eu Partner at the EU FICHe Project, an eHealth accelerator for FIWARE technology. www.f6s.com/fiche Coordinator of READi for Health project. The project support four European regional clusters to facilitate faster uptake of their eHealth innovations. www.readiforhealth.eu. Evaluator of European projects. Coach candidate of the SME Instrument. Coordinador de la Gira TIC Salud, iniciativa que pone en contacto decisores y prescriptores en la compra de soluciones TIC salud con empresas innovadores www.giraticsalud.es