Pending review

Chettinad Vidya Mandir



About Chettinad Vidya Mandir

Chettinad Vidya Mandir is a reputable CBSE kindergarten school Chettipalayam. This school boasts a culturally rich environment, state-of-the-art infrastructure, facilities, learning labs and so much more. The school follows a Montessori student-centric teaching-learning approach, which promotes deep learning through academic, co-curricular and after-school activities. From an early age, the holistic approach towards project-based, experiential learning and collaborative learning focuses on bringing out every child’s inherent traits. Additionally, through hands-on teaching techniques, sensorial play and outdoor activities, children learn self-mastery and mastery of their environment. Chettinad Vidya Mandir creates a safe and nurturing foundation for children as they move ahead in their lives.

Data Chettinad Vidya Mandir

Equipo Chettinad Vidya Mandir 1

Noticias Chettinad Vidya Mandir 0