


Luggage transportation services between cities and airports


About Bob

Bob is a travel technology company whose ambition is to transform the way people travel around the world by providing an innovative yet affordable service designed to liberate our travellers from burden of their luggage. Our first commercial product is designed to remove the hassle of that often stressful airport transfer on the last day of the trip. Bob delivers our customers bags to the airport from any point in the city centre (homes, hotels, offices, convention centres, etc.). This service is especially interesting for our customers staying in apartments, such as Airbnb´s or Homeaway´s, where there is not a convenient alternative to drop off their bags once they have done the check out in the morning. The resulting customer journey proves much more relaxed and efficient; our customers save time and effort without the burdensome baggage dictating their itinerary. Our second product will produce a knock-on effect for the wider industry. Bob will check-in our customers luggage from any point in the city and passengers will collect their bags again at the airport of destination. If large numbers of passengers start to arrive at the airport separate from their luggage, this could impact the way airports work today. Fewer check-in desks or self-service bag drop systems would be used, and queuing space would be substantially reduced. From a security perspective, this new approach to bag drop reduces the number of unscreened bags being carried into airport facilities, while also decentralising crowds that currently wait en-masse in the check in and bag drop zones. Self-bag drop systems are expensive to install and maintain, so Bob can help to reduce costs, while repatriating valuable airport space for other purposes. This service will be a huge win for all relevant stakeholders. Travel habits are changing as demand is on the rise; there is an urge to adapt.

Data Bob

Created Spain, November/2016
Status Startup

Inversores Bob 0

Acceleradoras Bob 1