Pending review

Centre Dental-中央牙科


139 Centre St STE 306 New York, NY 10013


About Centre Dental-中央牙科

BUSINESS PHONE: (212) 925-7066 BUSINESS WEBSITE: https://centredent.com/ BUSINESS DESCRIPTION: We harness the power of AI and digital technology to deliver the ultimate accuracy and safety to patient care, from paperless patient forms, CBCT, intra-oral scanners, 3D printers, soft and hard tissue laser, to Cerec AI-designed crowns and robotic milling machine. You can truly experience the future dentistry today at Centre Dental.

Data Centre Dental-中央牙科


Equipo Centre Dental-中央牙科 1

Inversores Centre Dental-中央牙科 0

Acceleradoras Centre Dental-中央牙科 0

Noticias Centre Dental-中央牙科 0